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2023-08-01 :
(français plus bas)
This web site is a SOCIAL NETWORK... therefore the main goal of this site is to SOCIALIZE... NOT SELL... Ads go in the advertizing sections, NOT in the newsfeed. We have GREAT PRICES on advertizing. Contact me in private for more details. We will REGULARLY DELETE ANY direct ads that do not have any socializing content... and by socializing content, we obviously mean more than a simple "hello"
Ce site est un RÉSEAU SOCIAL, donc son but principal est de SOCIALISER... PAS VENDRE... les annonces vont aux endroits prévus à cet effet. PAS dans le fil de nouvelles. Nous D'EXCELLENTS PRIX sur les annonces. Contactez moi en privé pour plus d'infos. Nous allons RÉGULIÈREMENT SUPPRIMER les annonces direct qui n'ont pas comme but de socialiser. Et cela veut dire plus qu'un simple "Allo".
Just wrote a new post on 41 ways to Save Money for Investment.
Here is a new 300x50 Blog Chicklet for getting followed. Be sure to replace the YOURPROFILElink with Your Profile URL. And Use the Image below:
<a href="YOURPROFILElink" target="_blank"><img src="INSERT IMAGE HERE" alt="Follow Me At Social-Pub.com"></a>
8 quick tips before buying a used car or truck.
To All American members of Social-Pub Happy Independence Day!
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Kiosk Social will launch July 4th, 2023 at 121 AM but you can join now and get positioned in our 3-tier affiliate program that puts 45% of Pro Verified Membership sales back into the community of creators like you.